House Rules

Allowed Material

I prefer running a game that is pretty close to just the "core" rules of C&C. That means that the following are the source books that players can use for their characters (and any sources not listed here should not be utilized and will not be allowed during game play):

  1. Players Handbook (any printing, I am using the 8th)
  2. Castle Keepers Guide (any printing, I am using Mana aka MEP from this book)
  3. Monsters & Treasure (any printing)
  4. *Adventurers Backpack
* ONLY class specific backpacks and bandages can be used from this source book.

Character Creation

The opening adventure:

  • Characters begin at 1st or 2nd level.
  • Use Max HP for 1st level (include CON bonus). Roll as normal (and add CON bonus) for 2nd level.
  • Everyone will start with 1800 XP initially.

Rolling Attributes

Please use the 4d6 drop lowest method. Arrange stats as you wish.


Anything from the Player's Handbook is fine.

Starting Equipment/Gold

Again, use what is presented in the Player's Handbook for your starting gold and buy equipment accordingly.

  • Please Note: I do pay attention to EV (encumbrance), especially as it effects movement speed. I'm not a 100% stickler, but I do like a little realism with my fantasy. Just keep up with the EVs and whether you or not you are overly burdened.

Magic Users

I use the MEP (Mana Energy Points/Channeling) method of casting. You can find additional information in the Castle Keepers Guide (3rd Printing, pg. 39). The basics are as follows:

  • Casters start with a certain amount of Mana (MEP). Each level, caster's get an bump in Mana (table based; there is a die roll method, but I do not use that). You also receive MEP for any bonus spells
  • Spells cost level+1 MEP to cast (i.e. - A 0 level spell cost 1 MEP; a 1st level spell cost 2 MEP; a 2nd level spell cost 3 MEP; etc.)
  • Wizards/Illusionists still have spell books and know a limited set of spells. You can prepare the spells you wish but with MEP, you can cast the same spell as many times as you have Mana (vs. having to prepare X number of the same spell).
  • Clerics/Druids, of course, have access to all spells (listed in the Player's Handbook) within the level(s) for which they are able to cast. However, each time a Cleric or Druid "prays" or "prepares" their next day spells, they are only able to pray/prepare up to the number for which they can cast (per the Player's Handbook) for that given level. In other words, they should choose which spells from the list they have prayed for.
    • For example, a 1st level Cleric can cast 3 - 0 level spells. There are 8 - 0 level spells listed in the Player's Handbook. The cleric should pray for the 3 they wish to be able to call upon for the next day.
  • All MEP are regained after a full nights rest.

Cleric/Druid MEP Chart


Illusionist/Wizard MEP Chart



Zandor the 1st level Wizard has an INT = 15 (giving a +1). He can cast 4 0-level spells and 2 1st-level spells. Therefore, Zandor starts out with 4 MEP + 4 MEP and thanks to the +1 on INT, he has 1 bonus 1st level spell granting him an additional 2 MEP. Thus, Zandor starts the game with 10 total MEP.

Negative HP / Death

I do not care for the overly engineered "negative HP" model that the latest printings of the Player's Handbook use (8th printing; pg. 224). My negative HP rules are simple and inline with 7th printing and earlier versions...

  1. When a character reaches 0 HP, they fall unconscious.
  2. An unconscious character can be stabilized with bandages.
  3. Until healed above 0 HP, they remain unconscious.
  4. Unattended characters that have 0 HP are simply unconscious.
  5. Unattended characters that are below 0 and have not been stabilized are "bleeding out" (1 HP per round)
  6. If a character reaches -10, they are dead.

A Note on Healing

Bandages are not part of the standard (Player's Handbook) game. Bandages are found in the Adventurer's Backpack supplement. Because so many newer folks to the game are using bandages as "free healing" that any character can perform, I will allow them to be used in the game and adopt the same rules. Those rules are:

  • A wound can be treated only once with a bandage.
  • If you plan to use multiple bandages, then you will have had to have taken multiple wounds.
  • A bandage stabilizes the character (if they are below 0 HP) and heals them for 2 HP (due to the salve that is on the bandages).


I use the earlier printings when it comes to several combat modifiers. Therefore the following charts applies to all combat:

Melee Modifiers

Melee CombatModifier
Flank+1 to hit
Rear+2 to hit
Charge+2 to attacker's damage BUT -4 to AC for next round
Dodge+2 to AC
Disengage-2 to AC
Evade+4 to Defender's AC against 1 opponent

Cover Modifiers

CoverAdjustment to AC
1/4 cover+2 AC
1/2 cover+4 AC
3/4 cover+6 AC
full cover+10 AC

Situational Combat

Situational CombatModifier
Defender Prone or Blind+5
Defender Prone and Defenseless+10
Defender at lower elevation+1
Defender Stunned or Cowering+2
Defender Invisible or Attacker Blind-10
Melee attack from mount or unstable platform-2
Ranged attack from mount or unstable platform-4
Defender 1/4 concealed (light fog)-2
Defender 1/2 concealed (heavy fog)-4
Defender 3/4 concealed (near total blackout)-6
Defender completely concealed-10


Rules Clarification: Disengagement (pg. 222-223, 8th printing PHB)
Disengagement must be announced at beginning of round prior to any initiative.

  • Hasty Disengagement - abandon all hope, turn and run. May move as far as MAX RUNNING DISTANCE but suffer -2 to AC and opponent gets attack as you run.
  • Fighting Disengagement - carefully withdraw from combat. May move as far as HALF MOVEMENT RATE and suffer no penalty to AC and draw no attack from opponent.

Final Thoughts: These rules are a living document and I reserve the right to modify them based on in-game discussions of things that may or may not work well or that can be improved and I also reserve the right to add to them as needed for anything I failed to think of while initially writing them.