Adventure 1: Overview

The Setting

It is 2 Planting, 576 CY (the 2nd day of the month, Planting, in the year 576 Common Year Reckoning). The month of Planting follows the week-long festival of Growfest.

  • For more information on the Calendar of Greyhawk, please see this wiki page

Area Map

This map is a screen print of the easy zoom version of the 576 CY map found on Anna B. Meyer's site:

Duchy of Tenh Image

An "Atlas Style" version of Tenh (and the surrounding area to the South) can be found at this direct link. If you click on the map, it will zoom in to the largest size and you can then scroll around it.


The character's have been drawn to a small Hamlet, named Dry Creek, located in the Northern portion of the Duchy about halfway between the town of Calbut and the small village of Rutherton. They find themselves there for various reasons:

  • Kaleel has been sent by his Uncle (a knight, serving for the Duke in the southern campaign, currently shoring up the Southern border of the Duchy). These lands belong to him and word reached him that a small Hamlet had recently come under aggressions by humanoids in the area. In his place, he has requested Kaleel to investigate.
  • Orryn & Ludwick have been traveling the Duchy for a while when they heard rumors of caravans in this area coming under attack. As this is very similar to what happened to Ludwick's Uncle, they have decided to head to the Hamlet to further investigate first hand.
  • Ailish Fhithich is an Elf Druid who lives nearby to the Hamlet. Having heard concerning rumors of animal (and humanoid) mutations recently, she is interested in investigating the caravan attacks in hopes of getting to the bottom of the outlandish rumors of acts against the natural harmony of the environment. She has been visiting the Hamlet during Growfest.
  • Ulgren is a Monk who has traveled a bit through the lands and most recently taken purchase at the nearby monastery. A fellow monk, Brother Tagg, usually travels to the Hamlet once a week or so, especially on the Hamlet's market day. Brother Tagg had gone to Dry Creek for part of Growfest but has yet to return two days past the end of the festival. In an effort to check on his fellow Monk, Ulgren has headed south, toward the Hamlet, with great concern upon his brow.